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Tuesday, December 25, 2007♥.
I wlsh 3very1 a meRry XmaS n a very happy New YeAr hehe Of cOs.......My hAppY B'dae to m3!!!!
I owe alot ppl return gift wanna cry le la....mami gib me a diamond necklace, my dear fr e very 1st mth anni till nw i owe him lots of gif....n
most of all is my best fren althrough recently happen lots of stuff which i don haf time to go catch up wif her n she angry for once in e end she still forgive me n
even gib me a xmas present which i reali love it...

ah dear~i noe its my fault for being too soft to everything n owes choose to bak off bt i will learn
to move forward gib me time to learn 0k?
Ah mIn~ thanks for still being my best buddy even i reali haf neglect our frenship recently

Mami~ I LOVE you~~!!
hee of cos dear i oso love u oh....

Posted @ 3:10 PM

Friday, December 7, 2007♥.
been a long time since i update my blog...
been happening many things like my new job...new boss...
all this moment i tot i haf him no matter wat happen he is jus all i nid
been trying to be a better gal for him, my pay finally came...
although ther is no much but i still hope to see those movie he wan but through those event he din realise all i nid was a smile fr him to noe he is happy...
all i get is silence...~~
i can be silence toward all thing too, i try to tok but i dunno wat i can say...
silence is all i can do nw...
letting go might jus work, mayb wait for e rite moment to let go him
don wan to let him handle tis thing nw cos tat will be too much stress for him
i willing to take in all tears n suffer my own self
__N0 0ne is all0w t0 3nter My w0rlD__

Posted @ 6:54 PM

Marriage is the next stage of my life i going to enter... ♥ ♥ ♥

It' s 私.

Name : 落ち着いたaKa Xiaoyumi
IGN : LuvBi
Age : 01/01/1987 - count yourself ^^
Hometown : Batok somewhere
Status : Engaged to Jason Mah Thiam Beng ♥ ♥ ♥

ジェイソンMah Thiam Beng
My B'dae Present fr my Dearest Mami
Bookshelf or Wardrobe with shelf in it
Brand New HP
The Latest LapTop
New Queen Size Bed
Whole set of Cosmetic
Air-con in my bedroom

R.I.P はリストする.

November 2007
December 2007
June 2008
August 2008
April 2009
July 2009
November 2010


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